The Grand Mesa Resort Company 

Annual Stockholders Meeting Minutes
August 12, 2023

INTRODUCTIONS: Kim Sutherland, President introduced the members of the board. 

APPOINTMENT OF RECORDING SECRETARY: Kim Sutherland, President appointed  Heidi McCall as Recording Secretary for today’s meeting. 

REPORT OF PROXY COUNT: John Andrews reported that there are 36 proxy cards and  over 100 shares represented in person. There are enough for a quorum. 

ADOPT MEETING RULES: Kim Sutherland, President asked stockholders to provide their  name and cabin number prior to speaking. Jack Nisley made a motion to accept the meeting  rules. Leota Sweetman-McPeek seconded the motion, and the motion passed. 

APPROVAL OF 2022 MEETING MINUTES: Ray Martin made a motion to approve the  2022 minutes. Jack Nisley seconded the motion, and the motion was approved. 

PRESIDENTS ANNUAL REPORT: Kim Sutherland, President presented his annual report,  welcomed new shareholders, and recognized shareholders that passed away. 

HONORARIUM COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: Board Members John Andrews  & Bill Buerman, Stockholders John Triebwasser & Bob Cardona.  

John Triebwasser announced that the Honorarium will remain the same as last year. Board  Honorarium is as follows: $95 for each Board Member for up to 6 meetings, $150 for the Board  President for up to 6 meetings for the year.  

PROPOSED BYLAWS CHANGES & JUSTIFICATIONS: John Andrews Kent Baughman made motion to separate changes by excluding Article 14 from the other  proposed changes. Steve Menzie seconded, and the motion passed. Nattana Johnson made a  motion to accept the bylaws except Article 14. Kent Baughman seconded, and the motion  passed. (Note: All the bylaw changes were accepted excluding Article 14.) Ray Painter made a  motion to accept the changes as written in Article 14. Ross Talbot seconded, and the motion  passed. 

Recommendations were made to include changes to the wording for Article 14 at the 2024  meeting. 

FINANCIAL REPORT: Michelle Shelden, Secretary/Treasurer 

a. Financial Statements 

b. 2024 Proposed Budget  

Patty Zapf made a motion to approve the 2023 Financial Statement and the 2023 budget. Jack  Nisley seconded, and the motion is approved.  

2024 STOCKHOLDER ASSESSMENT FEES: Michelle Shelden Secretary/Treasurer gave  the Boards recommended proposal of $500.00 per share (same as previous year). Signa Fox made a motion to accept the proposed assessment fee. Drew Jaynes seconded the motion, and  the motion passed. 

COMPANY MANAGERS REPORT: James Mackley, Company Manager provided the  Managers Report.  


a. Go-Daddy Website 

Drew Jaynes volunteered to assist GMRC with the Website. 

An unnamed stockholder requested a link on the new Website for Delta County Pet Control 


a. Election of board members: Run by Kim Sutherland-Seats Dick Kirkpatrick & John Andrews 

Steve Menzie was elected to the board to replace Dick Kirkpatrick.  

John Andrews was re-elected to the board. 


Leota Sweetman-McPeek requested that the potluck time of 11:30 and meeting time of 1:00 be  included in the minutes for the 2024 stockholders meeting date. 

Pam Hamon won the Door Prize